
There are different forms of treatment available

In our post on support options, we outlined what support looks like and where you might get it. While support is an important step towards addressing your experience, treatment is another key step in that process.


But what does treatment look like? Below we will discuss a few of the treatments you might be offered on your path to well-being.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy examines the links between a person’s thoughts, feelings, and actions, helping them to gain perspective on how each can affect their well-being. It can help a person identify and change thinking and behaviour patterns that are unhelpful in favour of thoughts and behaviours that are more helpful. 


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and commitment therapy operates on the view that acceptance of one’s experience is an important process towards well-being. This approach also  combines mindfulness skills and value-based actions to help people respond effectively to their situation.



Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is a group of therapies that aims to help someone change their thinking patterns and enhance their coping skills.


Both cognitive behavioural therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy are forms of psychotherapy. Another form of psychotherapy is dialectical behaviour therapy, which teaches skills to manage stress and emotions, and to help a person develop positive relationships.



Detoxification treatment (or withdrawal treatment) is when you stop taking the substance and allow it to leave your body. Depending on the extent of substance use and its severity, the substance intake may be gradually reduced or temporarily substituted to lessen the effects of withdrawal symptoms.


This treatment is done under supervision on an outpatient basis, or it may require admission to a treatment centre. But the goal remains the same: to stop taking the substance as soon as you can while doing so in a way that is safe.


Self-help groups

Self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, support people who are experiencing substance misuse, serving as a source of information and community. These groups can help decrease feelings of shame or isolation surrounding your situation, and they may also boost motivation and reduce the likelihood of relapse.


eCliPSE has launched Breathing Space, a networking site where you can seek support from clinicians and each other to help you improve your wellbeing and resilience.



Medication can often improve the symptoms of someone experiencing a mental health issue. They can also be used to improve the effectiveness of other treatments, such as psychotherapy.


There are many types of medication, with some falling under the categories of antidepressants, anti-anxiety, mood stabilising, and antipsychotic. The type of medication prescribed depends on the individuals mental health issue and their body’s response to the medication.



Mindfulness is a practice that helps you to come in contact with the present moment. You are not focused on the past or the future – you are grounded in the present moment and have a non-judgmental acceptance of your experience, including your feelings, thoughts, and body sensations.


Mindfulness is not a treatment in itself, but when it is combined with other treatments  it can be an effective tool to help you work through your experience.


Taking the next step

We hope this post has provided some insight into what treatment options may be available to you. We recommended speaking to someone who is trained in mental health and substance misuse issues to get advice specific to your situation. To find out more, please visit our post explaining what eCliPSE is.



Quiz me

This section of eCliPSE takes you through a series of quizzes (or screening tools) designed to help you understand the different types of thoughts and feelings you are currently experiencing.

By completing these quizzes, you can get some feedback on your mood and lifestyle choices. You can also download this feedback into a letter that you can show your GP or other health care professional and discover which of our eHealth programs might be the best for you right now.

Over time, you can track your mood and lifestyle behaviours by returning to the quizzes and taking them again at any time.

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