Supporting you
through mental health and substance use issues

Giving you access to free treatment programs and resources that work

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What is eCliPSE?

Learn more about what eCliPSE has to offer

eClipse helps you find your way directly to online programs and resources that have been proven to help people that are worried about their mental health symptoms or their alcohol or other drug use. The programs and resources can be used at a time and place of your choosing.

All programs and resources listed on eCliPSE are supported by research. You can be sure that these programs offer safe, reliable support for people wanting to improve their mental health or reduce their alcohol and/or other drug use.


Get started

Set up an account to find the right treatment program for you


Explore the Programs

Find out more about the programs available on eClipse

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Connect with Others

Set up an account to connect and share experiences with others in a safe environment on our "Breathing Space" social networking site

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We understand the sensitivity of participating in programs available on eCliPSE. We want to assure your identity and information is our highest priority and will remain completely private.

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Beyond Blue logo
NSW Health logo
Matilda Centre logo
National Health and Medical Research Council logo
NHMRC logo
UNSW logo
University of Newcastle logo