Who is eCliPSE?

Find out who is part of eCliPSE

eCliPSE is a research project comprising individuals and organisations working together to realise a joint vision of providing free, 24/7 support for mental health and substance use issues.

There are two researchers who are leading the project: Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin and Professor Maree Teesson.


Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin

Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin is the Institute Director and CEO of the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) and is the president of the Society of Mental Health Research.

She has worked with people experiencing a range of mental health, alcohol, and other drug use issues. Combined with her warm, bright nature, Professor Kay-Lambkin possesses invaluable knowledge and expertise to deliver effective outcomes.

“I have a personal and professional commitment to, and passion for, supporting people with mental health and substance use issues.”


Professor Maree Teesson

Professor Maree Teesson is the Director of the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, the Director of the National Health and Medical Research Council's Centre of Research Excellence in Prevention and Early Intervention in Mental Illness and Substance Use (PREMISE), and a National Mental Health Commissioner of the NHMRC.

She wants to increase our understanding of substance use and mental health issues, and to help prevent these issues where possible, which includes improving treatment responses.

“I’m passionate about eCliPSE because for the first time, it allows us to get the right care to people at the right time.”


Organisations and Teams

eCliPSE is associated or supported by the following organisations and institutions:

  • Beyond Blue.
  • NSW Health.
  • The University of Sydney.
  • National Health and Medical Research Council.
  • The University of New South Wales.
  • The University of Newcastle.

Much of the website content and social media operations are being managed by a team from the University of Newcastle. The team comprises Professor Jamie Carlson, Dr Jessica Wyllie, and Jeremy Niass, who work closely with Professors Frances Kay-Lambkin and Maree Teesson to ensure the quality of eCliPSE’s content is consistent with our principles of positivity, practicality, and compassion.

Get started today

We hope you have gained a greater understanding of the people and organisations behind eCliPSE. We believe that everyone should have access to help when they need it, and we are proud to be involved in the effort to support you on the path to well-being.


Quiz me

This section of eCliPSE takes you through a series of quizzes (or screening tools) designed to help you understand the different types of thoughts and feelings you are currently experiencing.

By completing these quizzes, you can get some feedback on your mood and lifestyle choices. You can also download this feedback into a letter that you can show your GP or other health care professional and discover which of our eHealth programs might be the best for you right now.

Over time, you can track your mood and lifestyle behaviours by returning to the quizzes and taking them again at any time.

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