Newcastle Herald

The free eCliPSE mental health program unveiled in Newcastle

"Digital treatments (automated, web- or app-delivered programs that required minimal or no real time therapist support) offer an important solution, being available 24/7, offered at relatively low cost, and are effective. Yet, despite investment by the Government in ‘telehealth’ services during and post-COVID-19, use of other eHealth tools remains low. NSW needs an urgent approach to integrating digital treatments into our mental health response as a ‘business as usual’ modality, available outside of the usual constraints of health service provision..."

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Quiz me

This section of eCliPSE takes you through a series of quizzes (or screening tools) designed to help you understand the different types of thoughts and feelings you are currently experiencing.

By completing these quizzes, you can get some feedback on your mood and lifestyle choices. You can also download this feedback into a letter that you can show your GP or other health care professional and discover which of our eHealth programs might be the best for you right now.

Over time, you can track your mood and lifestyle behaviours by returning to the quizzes and taking them again at any time.

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